Masooma Torfa as an EU-ambassador
Since successful integration is also an international issue, we are involved in EU-wide panel discussions on migration and integration in addition to our local tandem projects.
Masooma Torfa is doing her Ph.D on the topic of social economical aspects of international migrationat the University of Hohenheim and also coordinates the Female Fellows Tandem Project in Bietigheim-Bissingen. She brings with her a competent professional background and at the same time has practical experience. She is therefore the perfect person to have a say in this!

Women in general, if compared with men, have a disadvantage in terms of the responsibility of Family and childcare obligations which may hamper their integration process.
We at Female Fellows thank that empowerment of migrant and refugee women in Europe is not a choice, it is rather a great responsibility
International/ EU Engagement
Why is International engagement important?
Females comprise 130 million or 48% of the total global migrants. In Europe, the share of female migrants is more than half )51.4%(of the total migrants (UNDESA 2019)
43% of the total asylum seekers in Germany are females (ECRE, 2019)
Female Fellows believe that migration and integration is a long-term process that needs cooperation with different stakeholders at the local, national, and EU levels
Most of the refugees are coming from conflict-affected countries such as (Syria, Afghanistan, Iraq, Somalia, Eretria, and ..) with less access to education and employment. Hence they need exceptional measures for their integration into host societies
Role of women empowerment in the times of emergeny
Women empowerment in times of Covid-19
Masooma Torfa was taking part at the videoconference by new women voices 2020: Leading Resilience – A virtual Gathering of Refugees & Migrant Women. (her interview is at 23:21)
New Women Connectors (NWC) is an open platform that strives to connect newcomers and migrants, link migration policies debates and seeks to amplify the voices of those who often feel voiceless in these debates

Raising awareness on the EU election
»Female Vote Matters«
Idea challenge winner: “Female Vote Matters” Advocate Europe project of Raising awareness on the EU election
Membership of ECRE
Membership with the ECRE the European Council for Refugees and Exiles

Masooma Torfa from Female Fellows at #ECRE_AGC19: CSOs have the loudest voice ever now as the challenges are becoming ever bigger in the EU but inclusion into policy-making is needed on local, national and EU level!
first migrant and refugee parliament – October 2018
Female Fellows in the first Migrant and Refugee Parliament in Brussels
Razia Arooje represented Female Fellows in the first Migrant and Refugee Parliament which took place on the 17-18 of October.

Founding Member of rise
Founding Member and Steering Committee Member of RISE
We are proud to be a leading and founding members of RISE the first Refugee/migrant led Network in Europe.
Euroepan Network on Statelessness.
Euroepan Network on Statelessness.
Membership with the ENS the Euroepan Network on Statelessness.

migration related activities
Migration related activities in Germany and Europe
In the last five years, Female Fellows participatedin the migration and refugee related conferences and study visits organized by RISE (Refugees Ideas and Solutions for Europe), ECRE (European Council for Refugees and Exiles), EPIM, Heinrich Böll Stifftung, European Policy Center, and Advocate Europe in Warsaw, Brussels, Athens, Vienna, Berlin and Stuttgart.
2023 | © Female Fellows